Saturday, October 12, 2013

iOS Core Animation - Advanced Reading

Hi All,

iOS has a very fluid and structured animation stack, the frameworks involved are clear and approachable. But most of the contents you will come across shows you the basics of animation, like moving a block from location to another, or hiding/unhiding some container. 

Beyond that the only option you have is to dig deep into the Core Animation Guide from apple or scrape the internet for some tutorial.

Recently I was just going through the Amazon's Kindle books and found a promising prospect, iOS Core Animation: Advanced Techniques, This book seems to have raised the game. I am going through the book right now and it seems promising.

For now, If you want, create an account on amazon and you can read the sample chapters for free, decide for yourself.

Will provide more detailed thoughts on the book once I am done with it.
Till then, Happy learning.

Ishan Malviya

1 comment:

  1. Great piece of information.
    Any information about ios 7.0 ?
    Did not got a chance to work on ios 7 as mac needs to be updated to 10.4 and above.
