Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Book review: Counting from zero

Hi Folks,

I am an avid reader, and reading is a very good hobby to have.
So I have decided to start sharing the books I have recently read and what I think about them.

So on this note, Today I am going to talk about a book called "Counting from zero".
Author of this book is Alan B. Johnston, he is the author of ZRTP, VOIP security protocol. So, I had big hopes from this book. Throughout this book, there are numerous technical references, lots of security details. needless to say, I loved it.

The plot in Counting from Zero was gripping. The protagonist travelled all over the world and Mr. Johnston did an exceptional job of painting a detailed portrait of each location in which a convention was held, especially Las Vegas. The nuts and bolts of the story are propelled along by entries into Mick's security blog that fill in the technical details of the plot.

Any body interested in security, encryption and tech in general will like it.
So, go ahead, if the details I shared interested you, go ahead and enjoy the text.

Ishan Malviya

Saturday, October 12, 2013

iOS Core Animation - Advanced Reading

Hi All,

iOS has a very fluid and structured animation stack, the frameworks involved are clear and approachable. But most of the contents you will come across shows you the basics of animation, like moving a block from location to another, or hiding/unhiding some container. 

Beyond that the only option you have is to dig deep into the Core Animation Guide from apple or scrape the internet for some tutorial.

Recently I was just going through the Amazon's Kindle books and found a promising prospect, iOS Core Animation: Advanced Techniques, This book seems to have raised the game. I am going through the book right now and it seems promising.

For now, If you want, create an account on amazon and you can read the sample chapters for free, decide for yourself.

Will provide more detailed thoughts on the book once I am done with it.
Till then, Happy learning.

Ishan Malviya

Gravity - Movie Review

Hi All,

Just saw the movie Gravity, and I must say, the visuals are stunning. Better to watch this one in 3D.
This movie comes in the category of Apollo 13, Which was another master piece.

Don't expect it to be a thriller like Alien series. This one is not a fast paced thriller. The movie takes its own sweet time to unfold, but in the end enthrals you with its enormity.

This movie is about overcoming the fear and adversity (There is a lot of it), and triumphing.

So, what are you waiting for, go watch this one.

Ishan Malviya

Friday, October 11, 2013

Restarting the blog!

Hi All,

Its been over a year that I have posted on this blog, and shared the tech goodness with you all.
Many things have happened so far in the tech universe, Blackberry is going down, Nokia went down, Microsoft is getting ready for another push into the mobile industry, with the purchase of Nokia.

Keep an eye out for this space, will keep on sharing tech news and geeky goodness.

Ishan Malviya