"Siri" is one of the selling points of Apple's new marvel, the iPhone 4S. and Apple has done enough to keep it restricted to the newer version of the iPhone ( although through a complex hack, "Siri" can be ported onto your ios 4 devices ).
Android lover have their fair share of A.I. apps, but they are not as polished as "Siri", which is generally the case with almost all the android apps.
One shortcoming of "Siri" is that , it is best suited for US related data searches, so if you are living outside the states, you are out of luck.
But no need to worry now, a new kid is on the block, looking to give some serious competition to "Siri". Hold your breath folks, here is "Evi".
"Evi" is developed by True Knowledge (http://corporate.trueknowledge.com/), and is available in beta for both Android and ios platform , not limited to iPhone 4S.
Check more about it in this tech crunch article,
Ishan Malviya